About us
I’m Martha Okojie; health coach and Certified Precision Nutritionist.
As a woman in my 50s, I’ve become very passionate about using natural sources as a means for better health.
In fact, healthy living has played a key role in my life for over 20 years. But I wasn’t always that way. I used to eat so much food with a high sugar or fat content; ice-cream, sweets, biscuits, bacon – you name it. That was until I began studying to become a pharmacist and my entire outlook changed. Additionally, I realised that one aspect of this profession was the use of plants to make western medicines.
My interest in natural remedies and plant medicine was further fuelled by health challenges I faced later in life. When I was offered little help by my health practitioners, it became clear to me that I needed to find alternate ways to help myself. So in my search for help, I turned to naturopathy doctors and acupuncturists, and complemented that by using health supplements.
As a result, I benefitted from several positive changes to my health, including a healthier gut, which makes so true the phrase ‘you are what you eat’. Scientists have already made known that most diseases – especially cancers – are linked to diet.
What I’ve learnt on my journey to better health, I’ll share with you to help you achieve your optimum health.
So come on! Let’s make this journey together, as I post relevant health information in this space fortnightly.
See you soon.
Marta for Life (MFL)
Our services are top quality
and we’re doing our best for you happiness and health
1. Select a diet that suits your needs
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